Fired from teaching in an urban school district, 24-year-old Meghan James must get her life on track—and fast. If not, she fears her wealthy father will force her to work at his company where she will be uninspired. Wanting to prove her independence and redemption, Meghan decides to teach again, this time at a juvenile detention center. This sets her on a personal journey to successfully teach her traumatized students. It's the hardest thing she's ever done. Her choices, big or small, innocent or selfish, could have transformative or damning consequences.
However, Meghan's problems surpass the juvenile detention center. As she struggles to deal with her mother's death, Meghan's father marries a woman nearly her age and she can't forgive him for it. She is also losing her best friend Jenny due to her own insecurities. At the same time, Meghan is gaining a "perfect," new boyfriend despite her insensitivity to him as her mind drifts toward forbidden love.
Nothing Left is the story of a young woman fighting for purpose, success, independence, love, friendship, and healing. But we know she can't have it all. What can she win and what will she lose? And how bad could it be?
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A written moment of honesty, curiosity, and love
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No Water For the Desert is the story of a young woman struggling to move past her traumatic childhood. Her family members continue to hurt her to the point of betrayal. Ultimately she has to decide if she wants to break free and become the woman she wants to be.
No Water For The Desert by Brittany Buckner @eviainez is fantastic! I read it straight through without putting it down.
I love Grace & would read a sequel in a heartbeat. The writing is so beautiful & effortless. I’m envious! Read it! @drskitterbox
This new novel by Brittany Buckner (@eviainez) is a moving & intimate look at surviving childhood trauma & forging a new life. Enjoyed cheering Grace on as she discovers new doors opening as old ones close. Inspiring & heartfelt - @whistberry
It will always be an honor